Sunday, May 29, 2011

MAC Wk_4_Publishing_Leadership_Project

I have decided to submit my presentation to the NEOITC Conference.

Think Out-Loud Blog #1

Think Out-Loud Blog #2

Shawn Arbogast_PLP Presentation

MAC Wk_4 Blog: My response to Rowdy

Rowdy's Post:
In Chapters 9-12 of the Art of possibility I found myself reflecting on all the things that I do and don’t do that reflected the authors thoughts presented in this book.
In Ch. 9, right off the bat, he hit a home run in the second paragraph. Being a technical gadget junkie and always needing to have the latest and greatest of any device, I often find that in all reality, in person is the best way of communication. When he told the story of his father and the wonderful quote, “certain things in life are better done in person,” I could see myself nodding in agreement at this. The ability to get someone enrolled in an idea or practice is best started this way, with involvement. Loved reading this. I wholeheartedly agree with what he said about creating that spark. That person to person meeting, to me, is a spark. It shows that other person that you are willing to go above and beyond a simple email or phone call, or quick text. It shows involvement and caring. It opens up possibilities that you otherwise could not have seen through the phone or in an email.

I know I will surely use his example of the kaleidoscope, not only in my class, but in my personal life. If something seems wrong, impossible or unchangeable, I will simple change the perspective. I also believe that this goes into the next idea of becoming the board. By becoming the board, you are doing just that, changing perspectives. You are no longer seeing these things as the player or game piece, but the total space in which all movement takes place. You are the board, change the way the pieces move. Great. So simple, yet, pretty moving words. The very IDEA of possibilities creates more ideas.

I was actually able to practice these theories with one of my students. I saw him in the hallway, visibly upset and pulled him inside the class to ask what was wrong. He then proceeded to tell me that his father, whom he had not seen in the last 12 years is back in his life. I asked him why he was upset about this? Was he abusive? Did he not want his father there? Why was he so upset? He simply told me, no, that he wanted his father there. He was upset because he felt like he only had a few more years with him until he went off to college and how could he make up 12 years of absence in only 5 years. I gave him the example from the kaleidoscope story, I said, “you need to shift your view of how you see this. If you only have 5 years, or 5 minutes, you need to take this opportunity to embrace whatever time you are given.” I also told him that instead of questioning “why” he had been gone for 12 years (not playing the blame game), that he should ask him how he has spent the last 12 years, where has he lived, what places has he visited, where did he work. I wanted him to try and understand that reasoning of creating that “WE” in my student wanting to know and be a part of his father’s life. The talk went on for a little while longer and my student left feeling much better and told me that he felt so much better and it made him understand things a bit clearer to where he didn’t feel hurt or angry, but felt like this was a new door to walk through. A new set of possibilities? Maybe.

My Post:
Your comments are so true. One of the biggest challenges of teaching technology is to realize that there are limits and times were the technology is not really as good as the traditional ways.

I really found your story on your student to be very inspiring. It is good to see that you were able to help your student see the positive in his situation.

MAC Wk_4 Blog: My response to Thanh Kirby

Thanh's Post:
I really like the ending of the book, especially how it ties all the practices together in the sense that the theme that runs through these chapters I believe are about establishing and being part of a community. One of the major themes we have learned discussed and practiced in this program is the idea that we are better together than as one. It only makes sense that we read about this type of theme in a book such as this. Chapter 9 is a continuation of the thoughts and lessons of 7 and 8. Chapter 9 however speaks about extending those ideas to the point that everybody has the potential to be creative. To see growth in our own potential we need to think that every interaction with others is an opportunity to help others find their possibilities. I found the story about the at-risk school in London very heartwarming and a perfect example of this concept. Just providing the opportunity to create music for those students opened a new experience and potential musicians. This idea is not new and it brings to mind Rick Warren’s book, The Purpose Drive Life. By making connections with each other, helping others to find their own potential, we expand our own potential. Another analogy I see in this idea is the Internet phenomena. We’ve seen rapid growth in many areas of society in recent years because the Internet has allowed individuals to share ideas and concepts easily and more rapidly than ever before. Connections with other individuals have opened up exponentially because of the Internet which can explain the reasons for the rapid growth.

My Post:
You have so hit the nail on the head with this one. Making those connections whether in the work place or at home truly benefits all of us in so many ways. You have obviously taken much from this book and I am sure that you will come to see how it makes great changes in the way you look at things.

MAC Wk_4 Reading: The Art of Possibility Chapters 9-12

The final chapters of the book did a very good job of wrapping up everything. It was good to read and reflect on inspiring and pushing others to reach their potential. It is good to be reminded about the benefits that teachers provide to our students. Sometimes I think we get wrapped up in too many of our own issues and forget about the lives we have touched on a daily basis.

I have really enjoyed reading this book. So much that I have been sharing parts of it with other teachers and recommending it to them.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

MAC Wk 4 Publishing_Leadership Project

My top two choices for presenting would be at the Ohio eTech Conference or the North East Ohio Instructional Technology Conference (NEOITC).

I have chosen these two as possibilities for a couple of reasons. For one, they are closer to my district so I stand a better chance of being able to go. Another reason is they are both conferences for sharing with teachers great technology resources.

The link to the presentation can be found here.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

MAC Wk_3 Leadership Project

I have decided that I want to do a presentation instead of publishing. Why you might ask? Well, for one, I don't feel like the data that I was able to gather is good enough to be published. With the limited responses that I was able to get, I feel that I can make more of a difference by doing a presentation.

While I am still working out some of the details of my presentation, I think I want to start by mentioning my research and then going into ways that I have found to improve communication that fit into the classroom.

I have a couple of conferences in mind, however, with the declining budget, I know that unless something drastic changes that this is all just something that looks good on the screen.

MAC Wk_3 Blog: My response to Jessica Goodenow

Jessica's post:
The Art of Possibility has been a wonderful read that has stretched my idea on life and my role in it.

Chapter 6. Rule Number 6: Don’t take yourself so seriously. Life is a journey–enjoy and learn along the way. Live, laugh, and love!!

I have never fallen prey to taking myself to seriously. Time and time again, I find that I am making myself look like a complete fool in front of my students and I love every moment of it. There are many moments in my life that I can point to and say, “What a journey!” Having a baby, while getting my master’s and buying my first house has been the ultimate of crazy experiences I have had so far. When I look back at this last year, I will laugh. I can’t believe that I made it. I am happily not pregnant any more and enjoying my beautiful little girl Lucy. I am in my last weeks of my master’s degree. I have moved into a wonderful home (that needs lots of work) and am almost unpacked! Life is a journey and I love traveling it!

Chapter 8. Giving Way to Passion: Control says that the only way to avoid disappointment and frustration is to not care at all. No hits, no runs, but most importantly, no errors. What are you doing in your daily life that expresses your passion or the things you are passionate about?

Every day I wake up to the sound of a beautiful baby stirring in her crib. These past 6 months of my life, I have been living my passion of being a mom. I never knew that it was a passion of mine until I began carrying her in my belly. Ever since then, I know that my passion to be a mother and nurture my own offspring’s will express a passion that will never end.

What I have chosen as my career is another passion of mine. Since a young age, I have wanted to be in the school setting. Finding out that I wanted to be full-fledge teacher was a journey. After a few bumps in the road, I realized that I was dragging my feet and pitter-pattering around the fact that I wanted to go into education. Every day, I am challenged by students in multiple ways. I teach them while they teach me. It is the best job out there that is extremely under-appreciated....but I love it!

My response:
First of all, congratulations on your little girl. I know what it is like trying to raise 3 kids while getting this masters, yet I can only imagine what it is like to go through having a child in the middle of this.
I am glad that you have found your life long passion in being a mother. I am also glad that teaching is your other passion. I love how you said that you are challenged by your students and they teach you. Those who are in it for the right reasons know this to be the case.
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